Fix Blue Screen or Blank Screen Error in Windows Server while accessing through RDP Print

  • 5


It has been generally observed to have Blue Screen or Blank Screen due to:

1) A user just closes their session instead of logging out of it.

2) Slow Logon process

3) Logging as different user



Method 1

Try to access Task Manager on the same screen showing Blue screen or Blank Screen.

You can click CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to access Task Manager

In Task Manager: Click on 'File' Tab(Top Left)

                          : Click on 'Run New Task'

Type 'explorer.exe'




In Task Manager Under 'Process' select 'Explorer' and Click 'Restart'


Method 2

  1. Disable the use of Bitmap Caching on the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) client.

  2. Verity that the server, client, and the network equipment using the "MTU" size.


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